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열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)

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블로그"열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)"에 대한 검색결과159건
  • [비공개] Cry with us

    오늘 정말 우연히 알게된 싸이 입니다. http://minihp.cyworld.com/20866665/340362230
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-05 10:23 am|추천


  • [비공개] Keep your eyes peeled!!! -

    Keep your eyes peeled!!! - 눈을 크게 뜨고 주의를 게을리하지 마세요. peel 이란 단어는 사과같은 과일의 껍질을 벗기다 라는 뜻인데요 어원은 plunder란 뜻으로 머리카락을 뽑다라는 뜻입니다. Keep your eyes peeled for a taxi. 택시 오는지 잘봐!!!
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-05 08:55 am|추천


  • [비공개] Beauty is in the Eye of Beholder!!

    Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder 콩깍지가 씌우다. What seems ordinary or ugle to one person might seem beautiful to another. 철수: I still can't figure out how진실 could have fallen for 성밍. He is no prize at all. 봉팔: When you come right down to it, she's nothing to rave about either. Clearly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 철수: I will second that, What appears attractive to one person might&nbs.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-04 09:04 am|추천


  • [비공개] 스트레칭에 대한 진실!!

    Stretching: The Truth By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS Published: October 31, 2008 WHEN DUANE KNUDSON, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Chico, looks around campus at athletes warming up before practice, he sees one dangerous mistake after another. “They’re stretching, touching their toes. . . . ” He sighs. “It’s discouraging.” Skip to next paragraph :pop_me_up2('http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2008/11/02/sports/playmagazine/112PEWARM-txt_CA0.ready.html', '112PEWARM_txt_CA0_ready', 'width=370,height=600,scrollbars=yes,toolbars=no,resizable.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-11-04 08:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] A Miss is as good as A Mile

    A Miss Is As Good As a Mile!!! 해석: 지난 주 로또에서 한 숫자만 틀렸어. 그래도 꽝이야. Losing by a narrow margin is no different than losing by a wide margin. It doesn't matter how close or far to succeeding you were, it was still a failure, and that is all that counts. A: Why so glum, chum? B: I was just one number away from wining 로또!!! A:At least you won something? didn't you? B: About 2만원!!! But just think, one more number an.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-10-30 08:38 am|추천


  • [비공개] Food for Thought

    (글의 앞부분이 이미지 혹은 HTML 태그만으로 되어있습니다)
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-10-29 12:54 pm|추천


  • [비공개] All That Glitters Is Not Gold

    All That Glitters Is Not Gold!!! 반짝거린다고 다 금은 아니다. 겉모습만큼 가치가 없는 것들도 있다는 뜻이죠.
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-10-29 09:01 am|추천


  • [비공개] Misery Loves Company!!!

    Misery loves Company!!! 해석: Unhappy people often get satisfaction from having others share their misery. (자신의 불행을 타인의 불행을 통해 만족함을 느끼는 경우) 철수: Hey 미정!!! What's wrong? 미정: Oh I just had a run-in with my math teacher over the grading of my last exam. Although, I got a wrong answer on one of the problems, I did use a correct equation and he refused to give me even partial credit. 철수: Do.......
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2008-10-28 08:56 am|추천


  • [비공개] (all)in one piece

    "In one piece" means not damaged or injured. For example, Jamie took a trip to China for pleasure. If you see him off at the airport, you can say like "I wish that you could come back in one piece." Another example goes if you had a car accident on you way to work you can say: I got a car accident this morning. The car was a wreck, but I got out in one piece.
    열정적인 삶의 흔적(포트폴리오)|2005-09-29 02:18 pm|추천


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